Storage Solutions For Any Sized Project

Do you need your files where ever you go?

Are you a videographer?

Are you a podcaster?

Do you need a website?

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Google Drive

Workspace for Education

We are helping Workspace clients that have been informed that they have too much data in Google Drive.

They have to go from 350TB down to under 100TB to avoid a $ 7,500-a-month bill.

Transfere Roles

In the Domain that has too much data, create a new Administrator Role of  Folder Mover, with the following permissions.

Place the users that have too much data into this Role.

Transfereing Files & Folders

In an account that has too much data, log in.

  • Create a new Shared Drive.
  • Invite the user we have created for you to your new storage account.
  • Make them a Manager in this new Shared Drive.

Drag and Drop a folder from your My Drive to this new Shared Drive.

  • If a folder is too big, it may give an error; in this case, create the root folder first in the Shared Drive and drag and drop folders from inside the My Drive Folder to the Shared Drive Folder.

Once to have a few folders in the Shared Drive, we want to move them to the new storage account.

The New Storage Account
  • Sign in to the New Storage Account.
  • Under Shared Drives, you will see the one from the Account with too much data.
  • I am using just the left-hand list.
  • You can drag and drop files from the Shared Drives into the Item called My Drive.

 Get an error?

  • If a folder is too big, it may give an error; in this case, create the root folder first in the My Drive and drag and drop folders from inside the Shared Drives Folder to the My Drive Folder new folder.


Don't pay the big bucks

2022 Google made a lot of changes to their unlimited accounts.

They are no longer unlimited.

If you want an extra 10TB in your account, it will cost $300.00 a month.

There is a better way.

As a Google Reseller, I can create a storage account where 10TB will cost you $36.00 a month.

I am currently working with a University that needs to house 150 TB. Rather than costing $4,500.00 a month, we can do it for $540.00


We are a vertically integrated business, from building our hosting server, which we now have installed inside Google Data Center.

To writing in Python and PHP to manage these servers at a core level.


We are live long learners.

Never stop learning.

Some example projects.

WordPress Website

We build WordPress / Divi websites for all professions.

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Let’s Build Something

Fill out the Google Form below and lets connect.

Divi Web

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